Eric Delia

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New Year, New Blog

Jan. 03, 2024

I knew I was in trouble when I started writing Lua scripts.

Lately I've really been returning to the roots of software development. More on that to come. But suffice to say I'm feeling like so many things are coming full-circle on this journey, and it's giving me new life.

A couple weeks ago, with the coming time off from work, I started polishing up the old site. But something was missing. I needed a place to jot down my swirling thoughts on the current state of affairs in the dev world. So naturally, I revisited options for a blog.

Looking around at the landscape for blogs, I was rather disappointed. Having played with Hugo, Jekyll, and Next.js before, everything seemed like overkill. Previously I had created posts with a frontmatter Markdown concept that just didn't feel right. That's when I stumbled on pandoc.

I'd heard of input/output file formats, it just didn't dawn on me that this was likely how a lot of Markdown to HTML pages were being done. With this in mind, I started exploring performing this conversion using Github Actions.

Fool! Put it in a bash script and call it a day. So, I did. The idea is that each post is rendered with that script using a template. Then, the latest three posts appear on the homepage. Nothin' fancy, but it'll do for now.

So after much experimentation wrangling pandoc to Lua filters to bash scripts to final output via vite, here it is.

Hello, world. And Happy New Year!