Eric Delia

A picture of Eric Delia

About Me

👋 Hi, I'm Eric.

As a seasoned software engineer, I've been building web sites and applications since the days of jQuery (I've seen some things). And like any inquisitive technologist, it only spiraled out of control from there. Once you could start chaining together Gulp processes and easily import third-party packages to speed up development, it was on!

As tooling capabilities and frameworks like AngularJS came along, building apps of increasing complexity became possible. Best practices around minification and performance emerged, beginning to be baked in. SPAs were all the rage at the time, and the combination of Webpack and the component-driven library approach of React came to dominate. I took a detour into Vue for a while, really enjoying its syntax and SFC approach, but got back into React around the time functional components and hooks became the recommended approach in React.

Along the way, I'd also been following the movements in the server-side rendering space, and its related patterns of blending into client-side code. Diving further into the fullstack space with Node.js, Express and MongoDB provided me with a more holistic vantage point. Lately I've been exploring architectural patterns in cloud computing, working with AWS, Docker, Linux, PostgresQL, and Go.

Last but not least, I've enjoyed contributing to open source projects for feature detection, logging, and even fun, albeit basic, browser-based games. Security and cryptography has always been of interest to me, and I even created an npm package of some standard algorithms for securing client-to-server communication that has since been sunset but was a lot of fun to explore.

So if you happen to see me around, say hello!


But no, seriously. Get in touch!

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